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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the commitment for the school newspaper?

Time and energy commitments vary depending on what role you play on our team. Page editors and copy editors have a much larger commitments due to the amount of work that goes into planning the stories for the issues and designing their page. Staff writers, photographers, and those involved with graphics have an easier workload. Typically, those people collect one assignment per issue, finish it on their own time, and turn it in to their respective editor by the due date. The majority of your participation will happen on your own time with only one monthly meeting to get your assignment.

Can I quit this club if I want to in the future?

The newspaper has no long term commitments. We do request that you fulfill your monthly commitment by completing your assignment for the issue, although we understand that accidents happen. Otherwise, it is your decision if you would like to contribute to our issues. For example, if you know you will have a busy schedule in November, you can skip our November issue and pick up an assignment in the next month. 

Can I quit this club if I want to in the future?
What if I can't finish my assingment on time?

If you find that you will not have your work ready by the due date please let your editor know as soon as possible. This way they can find another person to take over your assignment.

What if I can't finish my assingment on time?
How can I become a page editor?

The newspaper has no long term commitments. We do request that you fulfill your monthly commitment by completing your assignment for the issue, although we understand that accidents happen. Otherwise, it is your decision if you would like to contribute to our issues. For example, if you know you will have a busy schedule in November, you can skip our November issue and pick up an assignment in the next month. 

We are always welcoming new writers and editors. Currently we have one page editor spot open. Becoming a page editor is a great opportunity if you enjoy newspaper. Typically after you show interest in becoming a page editor you will be able to intern for an editor and learn about what goes on behind the scenes. Eventually you will design a page of your own or work with another editor. If you are interested in becoming a page editor, please contact either Ms Sampson or the editor in chiefs, Angela Glowacki or Natalia Iding. 

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