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(2 sides) Halloween is for fun

Halloween is supposed to be a fun time for children to dress up and go door to door looking for candy, as well as a time for people to be scared for fun and just all around have a great time. However, recently people have been making it a political issue. Costumes are creeping closer and closer to the line that separates “appropriate” and “inappropriate” things to wear on Halloween. This causes a lot of conflict, and people accuse others of being racist or insensitive. What ever happened to Halloween being fun? Politics and being politically correct isn’t fun. Halloween is a unique opportunity to dress up as anything you want to be, and if people attack other people’s costumes it limits that freedom.

In my personal opinion there shouldn’t be a law saying that you can’t have a certain costume for halloween, but it is rude and inconsiderate towards people who would be offended. In reality, it comes down to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The First Amendment protects these rights, and it is unconstitutional for anyone to be banned from wearing what they want on Halloween.

It is another question if someone should dress up in an offensive costume - I don’t believe they should, they should respect minorities and their cultures - but they should be allowed to. This Halloween, wear whatever you want to for a costume. Also, if you see someone dressed “offensively,” don’t be mean about it.

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