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Recipes: Gluten Free Quinoa Taco Salad

It is safe to say that everyone could use a healthy snack every once and awhile. The problem is, so many “healthy” snacks just do not taste good. This recipe is not only good for you, but it is delicious. Plus, this recipe is a perfect way to cover all of your bases for the day. It contains black beans, quinoa and avocado, which are great sources of protein, vitamins, healthy fatty acids and nutrients. It is the perfect way to get your mom off your back and get the tasty food that you desire. The recipe is great for you, and it also is available to people with food restrictions because it is gluten free and vegan! All you need is:

  • 1 cup of quinoa, uncooked

  • 1 cup of salsa

  • 2 handfuls of gluten free tortilla chips, crushed (optional: organic tortilla chips)

  • 15 ounces of black beans

  • 1 avocado, sliced

  • 15 ounces of black beans

  • salt & pepper, for taste

  • cilantro(optional)

After you find these ingredients, follow these instructions:

  1. Cook the quinoa according to the instructions found on the bag/box it came in.

  2. While the quinoa is cooking, drain the black beans and transfer to a big bowl

  3. Cool the quinoa for the amount of time shown on bag/box.

  4. Add the cooked & cooled quinoa, salsa and crushed tortilla chips to the black beans.

  5. Season it with salt and pepper and garnish it with the sliced avocado and the cilantro(if you chose to use it).

  6. Eat & enjoy this healthy and delicious snack!

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